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10 Great Easy to Keep NY Resolutions

(L-R) Hector Garci...
Image by Getty Images via Daylife

We all make good NY resolutions each year, but how many of them do we actually keep? This list is easier and simpler and will still make your year healthier:

  1. HAVE FUN! Yes this is one of the easiest of all, take the time to have some fun. Laughter really is the best medicine and can help relieve stress, exercise your heart and joy is one of the reasons we are all here.
  2. Drink a little wine. There’s nothing wrong with a little wine particularly red wine full of antioxidants, but please stop at one.
  3. Challenge yourself mentally. Doing puzzles and learning something new every day keeps your brain sharp and your neurons firing this will help keep you younger all over.
  4. MOVE ON A DAILY BASIS. Yes make sure that you move your body every day, and by move I mean walk with free swinging arms, dance, get on your vibration platform, do yoga, or some form of exercise every day. More than anything else this will keep you feeling young and delay most if not all the signs of aging.
  5. Check your bed and your office chair are ergonomically sound to prevent wear and tear on your tendons, muscles and joints.
  6. Brush your teeth. Medical scientists have found that oral hygiene is linked to overall health.
  7. Get 15 minutes of sunshine every day. We are all lacking in vitamin D because we are working indoors and avoiding the sun too much now, so get out in the sun before 10am or after 3pm and allow your skin to get at least 15 minutes of direct sunshine a day.
  8. Eat more vegetables. Yes I know this is an old one, but a goodie and we all know why. Diabetes and metabolic syndromes are a world wide epidemic and eating more vegetables is one way to avoid this decline.
  9. Sleep well. Sleeping well actually helps us lose weight, energises our body and brain and keeps us younger.
  10. BREATHE. you would think that this comes naturally, yet many of us do not breathe properly, so learn to breathe well. Breathing needs to be from your diaphram – take note of your breathing by lying down and breathing naturally and look to see which part of your body is moving as you do. If you chest is moving up and down – you’re not breathing correctly at all. Your upper tummy and lower chest is the part that ought to be moving, so practice breathing until you can breathe diaphramatically for better health and slower stress levels.

Live a balanced life…

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December 29, 2008 - Posted by | Fitness, Health, Lifestyle | , ,

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