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10 Great Easy to Keep NY Resolutions

(L-R) Hector Garci...
Image by Getty Images via Daylife

We all make good NY resolutions each year, but how many of them do we actually keep? This list is easier and simpler and will still make your year healthier:

  1. HAVE FUN! Yes this is one of the easiest of all, take the time to have some fun. Laughter really is the best medicine and can help relieve stress, exercise your heart and joy is one of the reasons we are all here.
  2. Drink a little wine. There’s nothing wrong with a little wine particularly red wine full of antioxidants, but please stop at one.
  3. Challenge yourself mentally. Doing puzzles and learning something new every day keeps your brain sharp and your neurons firing this will help keep you younger all over.
  4. MOVE ON A DAILY BASIS. Yes make sure that you move your body every day, and by move I mean walk with free swinging arms, dance, get on your vibration platform, do yoga, or some form of exercise every day. More than anything else this will keep you feeling young and delay most if not all the signs of aging.
  5. Check your bed and your office chair are ergonomically sound to prevent wear and tear on your tendons, muscles and joints.
  6. Brush your teeth. Medical scientists have found that oral hygiene is linked to overall health.
  7. Get 15 minutes of sunshine every day. We are all lacking in vitamin D because we are working indoors and avoiding the sun too much now, so get out in the sun before 10am or after 3pm and allow your skin to get at least 15 minutes of direct sunshine a day.
  8. Eat more vegetables. Yes I know this is an old one, but a goodie and we all know why. Diabetes and metabolic syndromes are a world wide epidemic and eating more vegetables is one way to avoid this decline.
  9. Sleep well. Sleeping well actually helps us lose weight, energises our body and brain and keeps us younger.
  10. BREATHE. you would think that this comes naturally, yet many of us do not breathe properly, so learn to breathe well. Breathing needs to be from your diaphram – take note of your breathing by lying down and breathing naturally and look to see which part of your body is moving as you do. If you chest is moving up and down – you’re not breathing correctly at all. Your upper tummy and lower chest is the part that ought to be moving, so practice breathing until you can breathe diaphramatically for better health and slower stress levels.

Live a balanced life…

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December 29, 2008 Posted by | Fitness, Health, Lifestyle | , , | Leave a comment

Last Minute Xmas Ideas in Noosa!

Christmas gifts.
Image via Wikipedia

I know! I know! The shops are full, there’s no parking at all and you still have some last minute gifts you really need to buy. What do you do?

Well if you’re in Noosa or know someone who is coming here on holidays in the next few months why not get them a balancenoosa Gift Voucher? Available for immediate download right in your own living room.

We have gift vouchers for all of our ‘Come to You’ sessions and packages and some personal time and care is the perfect gift for any occasion!

Gift Vouchers for Services include:

  • MMMmmmmm Massage: choose from 30 minute, 60 minute or 90 minutes of pure relaxation
  • FFFabulous Facial: choose from our Signature Facial (60 minutes) or Mini Facial (30 minutes) exclusive range of organic botanicals to nuture your skin and bring back youthful texture and sheen.
  • BBBeautiful Body Buff: an all over cleanse, scrub and masque leaving your body fresh and wonderfully smooth
  • Hand and Foot Spa’s: Restore youthfullness to your hands or feet with our Hand Bliss hand spa or Feet Treat foot spa or better yet get both!
  • Fitness comes to you: with our range of fitness sessions including: Pilates, Yoga, or Personal Training and your cholice of 60 or 90  minutes sessions.

Packages availabe by Gift Voucher include:

  • Ultimate Body Bliss Package includes: Signature Facial + Full Body Buff + Massage of your choice (Swedish, deep tissue, relaxation, remedial, sports)
  • Rejuvenation Package includes: Signature Facial + Massage of your choice
  • ReNu U Package includes: 1 hour fitness session of your choice + Signature Facial + Massage of your choice
  • Cooing Couples Package includes: Signature Facial + Massage of your choice + Foot Pamper + Heavenly Head Massage + Dinner for Two in your own private surroundings prepared by Gourmet Chef.

Gift Vouchers are immediately available for download after purchase and perfect gift giving for all occasions. Show how much you care and value someone this Xmas with a balancenoosa Gift Voucher

MMMmmmmmm….. balancenoosa

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December 22, 2008 Posted by | Beauty, Fitness, Noosa, Pilates, Yoga | , , , , , , | 2 Comments

10 Reasons To Stay Fit

A sphygmomanometer, a device used for measurin...
Image via Wikipedia

Do you need some reasons to get fit and stay fit over the holiday season? Well just in case you do here are the Top 10 medical reasons to stay fit and active over Christmas and into the New Year. The holiday season is a great time to take the time to create a new fitness program for yourself and can then be included in your new year resolutions.

Top 10 list of reasons to exercise this holiday season.

1. Exercise helps keep your arteries flexible and malleable, which prevents heart disease and heart attacks.

2. If you have metabolic syndrome, losing as little as 6.5 percent of your body weight results in substantial reductions in blood pressure, glucose, triglycerides and total cholesterol, all factors that lead to heart disease.

3. Exercise prevents the growth of fat that surrounds the midsection, which is angry, dynamic fat that actively contributes to diabetes and resulting vision loss and limb amputations.

4. Fat around the midsection is also associated with inflammation that leads to damaged blood vessels, heart disease, liver disease and Alzheimer’s disease. Exercise helps prevent this.

5. Exercise lifts your mood by increasing serotonin levels in your brain.

6. Exercise can be a social activity, which is associated with higher incidence of general happiness.

7. Strength training improves bone strength and prevents osteoporosis.

8. Strength training and flexibility helps prevent injuries caused by everyday activities like lifting things and hopping over puddles.

9. Participating in team sports like flag football, softball, basketball or sand volleyball enhances hand-eye coordination and improves your reflexes.

10. Exercise tones your muscles and makes you leaner.

Medical News Today

happy holidays and a balancenoosa new year!

live a balanced life…

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December 15, 2008 Posted by | Exercise, Fitness, Lifestyle | , , , , , | 3 Comments

Catch Happyness From Your Friends

A smiley by Pumbaa, drawn using a text editor.
Image via Wikipedia

In the latest research we find out that happiness really is infectious. You catch it from your friends so it becomes really important what friends you choose to hang out with.

These days it seems there are two groups of people those that enjoy dooming and glooming about the economy, their health etc.. you know the ones, if you ask them how they are, they will more than likely say something like, “As well as can be expected…” or “Fine, but you know how it is, this economy is going to make it so hard to stay that way.”

Then there is the other kind, the ones I like to hang with, the ones that say things like: “I’m great! The universe is in a teaching mode at the moment and I am going to learn all I can.” or something like it.

New research from James Fowler of UC San Diego and Nicholas Christakis of Harvard Medical School shows that happiness spreads far and wide through a social network traveling not just the well-known path from one person to another but even to people up to three degrees removed.

This holiday season, during gloomy economic times which, if things get dire enough, might be called a “depression” it is heartening to know, said Fowler, that “happiness spreads more robustly than unhappiness” and seems to have a greater effect than money.

The study is being published in the British Medical Journal.

“Scientists have been interested in happiness for a long time,” said Fowler. “They’ve studied the effect of everything from winning the lottery to losing your job to getting sick, but they never before considered the full effect of other people. We show that happiness can spread from person to person to person in a chain reaction through social networks.”

“One of the key determinants of human happiness is the happiness of others,” said Christakis. “An innovative feature of our work was exploring the idea that emotions are a collective phenomenon and not just an individual one.”

Christakis and Fowler used data from the Framingham Heart Study to recreate a social network of 4,739 people whose happiness was measured from 1983 to 2003. To assess the participants’ emotional wellbeing, they relied on answers to four items from the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale: “I felt hopeful about the future”; “I was happy”; “I enjoyed life”; and “I felt that I was just as good as other people.”

The research shows that happiness loves company. Happy people tend to cluster together, and, on the surface, people with more social contacts seem generally happier. Fowler and Christakis observe, however, that what matters there is not just the total number of connections but the number of happy ones.

On average, every happy friend increases your own chance of being happy by 9 percent. Each unhappy friend decreases it by 7 percent.

Happiness, the researchers found, spreads in a social network up to three degrees of separation: You are 15 percent more likely to be happy if directly connected to a happy person; 10 percent if it’s the friend of a friend who is happy; and 6 percent if it’s the friend of a friend of a friend.

Unhappiness also spreads, but not nearly as much.

“The effects we observe may not seem like much at first,” said Fowler, “but consider that $5,000 extra dollars, in 1984, was associated with just a 2 percent increase in happiness and you see that the power of other people is incredible. Someone you don’t know and have never met the friend of a friend of a friend can have a greater influence than hundreds of bills in your pocket.”

The structure of connections matters, too. “Remarkably,” said Fowler, “where we sit in the social network has a big impact on how happy we are.”

According to the study, individuals’ happiness depends not only on how many friends they have but also on how many friends their friends have. In social-network terms, this is known as “centrality.” And the more central a person is the better connected their friends or the wider the social circle the more likely they are to become happy. (The effect does not work the other way around: Becoming happy doesn’t widen a social circle.)

Fowler and Christakis also looked at what happens to happiness with distance. When a friend who lives within a mile becomes happy, it increases the probability a person is happy by 25 percent. More distant friends have no significant effect. Similar effects are seen in siblings who live within a mile and in co-resident spouses versus distant siblings and distant spouses. Next-door neighbors have a significant effect, 34 percent, while neighbors further away, even on the same block, do not.

“We think the spread of emotion has a fundamental psychobiological aspect,” said Christakis. “Physical personal interaction is necessary, so the effect decays with distance.”

So who do you choose to hang out with, come one choose your happyer friends and maybe you will have nothing to worry about as happyness also makes you wealthier!

live a balanced life…

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December 8, 2008 Posted by | Lifestyle | , , , , , | Leave a comment

Fluoride Danger In Qld As Of Today

Yes, after years of being protected against added fluoride in our water supply, as of December 1st we are now being poisoned in our drinking water. Do you really believe the TV ads and other propaganda that is telling you how safe and healthy it is for you?

Here are a few statistics to try on for size:

  • 1 teaspoonful can kill 70kg adult
  • DiSodium HexaFluofosilicate has been linked to – Brain Damage – DIminishes IQ in Children – Cancer

For more information watch this video:

  • Chronic administration of aluminium-fluoride or sodium-fluoride to rats in drinking water: alterations to neuronal and cerebrovascular integrity: Julie A. Verner, Karl F. Jensen, William Horvath, Robert L. Isaacson, Brain Research, Vol. 784:1998, Elsevier Science.
  • The National Cancer Institute study found that as exposure to Fluorosilic Acid increases, so does the incidence of oral cancer; sometimes as much as a 50% increase in oral cancer rates occur in those  areas – this translates to 8,000 new cases of oral and pharyngeal cancer per year, needless pain and suffering and a financial windfall to the medical and pharmaceutical factions that concern themselves with treatment.
    1988  Researchers  at the  Argonne  National  Laboratory discover  that  NaHFSA promotes and  enhances  the  carcinogenicity  of  other  cancer-causing   chemicals  in  the   food  and environment.  Interestingly, this  work  confirmed  studies  sponsored  by the  United States  National  Cancer Institute conducted  back in 1963 by  Herskowitz  and  Norton at  Saint  Louis University.

    More  than  30  years  ago, these  scientists  showed  that  low  levels  of  NaHFSA  Sodium Fluorosilic Acid increased the incidence of melanotic tumors in living organisms from 12 to 100% – often these tumors  were  induced by  NaHFSA  over  a  period  of  days.  These  studies  were   further  amplified  by  work  done  by  the  Taylor’s  at  the University of Texas  which  found  that 1 ppm NaHFSA Sodium Fluorosilic Acid in drinking water increased tumor growth rate in mice by 25%.

    1987 Research is conducted at Imperial Chemical Industries (ICI) in England which indicates that  NaHFSA – Fluorosilic Acid – cause genetic damage in human blood cells..

  • According  to  eleven  thousand   scientists   including  world  renowned  Professor  Paul  Connett  and   Dr   Hardy  Limeback,  adviser  to   the  Canadian   Government, the  constituents  of S7 Poison Industrial Fertiliser Toxic Waste Sodium Fluoride contains a cocktail of nasties, which are deadly toxic to Infants, Children, Kidney or Thyroid  sufferers to name a few, it also contains, arsenic, cadmium, barium and lead, We   have   discovered   that  the  Sodium  Fluoride  intended  for  the  Queenslands  Water is actually  a Waste  Product   from  a  Phosphate  Fertiliser  Works  possibly  coming   from Belgium and or Japan,   countries  that   have  banned  all  Fluoridation  bases  on  the available International Research. It is interesting to note that almost every country in Europe has also banned  S7 Poison Industrial Fertiliser Toxic Waste Sodium Fluoride and products containing it. Watch this video fore more info:

Where do they get this stuff they are putting in our water??

Fluoridation, laundry sours, opalescent glass, metallurgy (aluminium and beryllium), vitreous enamel frits, insecticides and rodenticides, chemical intermediate, glue, leather and wood preservative, moth repellent, manufacture of pure silicon.

DANGER! Never add water to this substance.
This product has a UN classification of 2674 and a Dangerous Goods Class 6.1 (Toxic) according to The Australian Code for the Transport of Dangerous Goods By Road and Rail.

Toxic if swallowed! Severe exposure from ingestion may result in muscular weakness, tremors, convulsions, collapse, dyspnea, cardiac failure and death.

Thank you to the Gold Coast Water Watch for this information on Flouride


FROM: “National Fluoridation News” XXII (Jan-March 1976) p. 2:
Child poisoned by fluoride
My husband and I have agreed on writing this letter in the hope that it may prevent someone going through the experience we suffered in May 1973.
In July 1970 we were told by our doctor that we were going to have a baby. In my first visit to the Hospital for a check-up in October, I was told by the Matron to start taking fluoride tablets for the benefit of the baby. I did so until the 20th of February 1971 when our first child, Jason, was born.
When he was one year oild the welfare clinic told me to start giving him 1/2 of a fluoride tablet per day. I did so for 15 months. When he was 27 months old he got hold of the fluoride tablets, and at the time I didn´t know how many he had eaten, but I knew it wasn´t many.
I took him to the doctor straight away and he gave our son a stomach pump treatment. The doctor told me he could only find four tablets in his stomach. I was told to take him home and he would sleep for a while, but he would be okay when he woke up. This was at 2:00 P.M.
At 5:30 P.M. I realized that something was wrong, as I couldn´t wake him. I rang the doctor and was advised to take him back to the surgery. The doctor saw him staright away and told me to take him to the maternity hospital. As we arrived he was still unconscious and he stopped breathing. The doctor put him in a respirator immediately.
The doctor and the nurses didn´t believe that he could be so ill from taking fluoride tablets until they did some test on him. They told us it would take 200 to 500 tablets to make him so sick. There were less than 100 tablets in the bottle before he touched it.
On May 15th, five days after admission, Jason passed away. The doctor verified that his brain, due to fluoride poisoning, was completely dead.
We have now two children. They have never or will never receive fluoride tablets from us.
We are completely against fluoridation of drinking water and we hope that this letter will help stop such a thing from happening.

Mr. and Mrs. A. Burton

Kirkdale, Brisbane

Queensland, Australia

Fluoride (SEDA-3, 399)
At least three fatalities have occurred due to the fact that the toxicity of fluoride is often underestimated. One case report may be cited.
A boy aged 27 months swallowed an unknown quantity of fluoride tablets containing 0.5 mg each. As the bottle contained less than 100 tablets, the unconscious child was sent home after a gastric lavage yielding 4 (!) tablets only, with the assurance to the parents that no risk existed. Three and a half hours later respiratory failure began to develop and the child was hospitalized; he died five days later. Even at the hospital the parents were told that 200 to 500 tablets would be required to endanger the child.
5 – 10 g of fluoride are commonly considered to comprise the acute lethal dose; the child in question had received less than 50 mg, which suggests an enormous difference between the supposed and actual lethal dose, even allowing for the age of the victim. It is true that the mother had received fluoride during pregnancy and that the child had received 0.5 mg daily for 15 months before the incident occurred but one must wonder whether the chronic load could have been sufficient to lower the acute lethal dose so drastically. This overdosage risk must be added to known risks attributable to fluoride in normal doses (i. e. gastrointestinal bleeding and atopic dermatitis) (33 c)


“The Registration of Births, deaths and Marriages Acts, 1962 to 1967″

(Section 31)


(Medical Certificate of the Cause of Death)

To the Registrar for the District of BRISBANE
I HEREBY CERTIFY that on 16th May, 1973, by order of W. R. PULLAR Esq., Coroner, I made a Post Mortem Examination of the body of a male aged 2 years, named JASON BURTON who is stated to have died at Mater Childrens Hospital and, in my opinion, the date of death was 15th May, 1973, and the cause of death was
Disease or condition directly leading to death :… Fluoride poisoning
Dated… 16.5. 1973 ………………………………………..N. G. Johnston (Government Medical Officer)



21st June 1973

ADDRESS………16 Hardwick S t.,……………………………………………………
………………………Wynnum West……………………………………………………….
REFERRING DOCTOR………..Hansen…………………………………………….
FINAL DIAGNOSIS…………….Flouride Ingestion……………………………..
This child was admitted to hospital via casualty in a moribund condition.
The child was said to have swallowed an unknown quantity of flouride tablets (2 mg). but more than likely he would not have swallowed more than 50 tablets. This was said to have happened approximately 6 hours prior to admission. The child did have access to several other drugs. These drugs included Polarmine, Elexamine, Robinul and Dormel. However, it was unlikely that he may have swallowed any of these other tablets.
On EXAMINATION: Blood pressure 50 systolic and there was only fair peripheral perfusion. The pupils were dilated, unequal and irregular.There was generalized muscular hypotonia. There were no focal neurological signs. The pulse was 100 per minute, regular R.T.A.and there was normal sinus rythym on E.C.G. Immediate treatment was instuited with the administration of I.V. SPPS. This bought his blood pressure back to 100/systolic. As the child had had an respiratory arrest five minutes after arrival in the casualty dept, he was taken to theatre and a naso-tracheal tube was inserted. The patient was then placed on the Bird´s respirator with intermittent positive pressure respiration. Very intensive observations were instuited. Because his presentation was consistent to a flouride intoxication he was treated accordingly. He was given doses of 10% calcium gluconate I.V. Blood was taken for analysis of the most common poisons, and a sample of blood was also sent to a state government analysist for estimation of serum flouride.Over the next few days this patient made no improvement whatsoever. E.E.G. was performed on 14.5.73. The trace was completely flat. It was thought the prognosis was absolutely hopeless. The respirator was turned off 15.5.73 and life was pronounced extinct.
The level of serum flouride, although it was elevated was not regarded as being in the toxic range. However, the sample of blood had been taken approximately 10 hours after ingestion.
S. Fluoride level <100 µg/100 ml (Toxicity levels 200-300 µg)

Think about what they are putting in your water and then ask yourself, is this all? What other decisions about our health are they going to make without consulting us?

Live a balanced life…


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December 1, 2008 Posted by | Health, Wellness | , , , , | Leave a comment