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Fountain of Youth Found in Marine Collagen

You and I know that from about the age of 25 our skin begins to break down, what exactly is breaking down, collagencausing wrinkles, lines and a loss of the plumpness associated with younger skin?

It is collagen, yes I know you’ve heard of collagen bring injected into lines and lips to plump them up, the reason is that it is the most abundant form of protien found in human tissue. Collagen is what gives young skin it’s plumpness, smoothness and refresh rate. Your skin refreshes itself regularly as old skin cells are shed and new ones brought up from underneath, this is one of the points of exfoliation, to bring up the newer skin cells from below and slough of the old ones from on top.

So without painful injections how can we renew the collagen?

Bio-marine collagen is made up of amino acids, which are the key building blocks of skin collagen. As marine collagen has a similar structure to human collagen, it can be applied to the skin directly to replenish and support the skin’s own collagen supply, studies have shown can help maintain skin thickness and protect against the damaging effects of photo aging.

balancenoosa’s new beauty range is filled with natural, organic products including marine collagen and zeolite to renew, refresh and restore youthfulness to your skin. Why not try one of our balancenoosa Signature Facials today, we also supply product for those wishing to continue to use the beautiful range we have had developed just for you.

live a balanced life…

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November 10, 2008 Posted by | 1 | , , , , , | Leave a comment

Two Amazing AntiOxidants Made Right in Your Body

active site of Mn human mitochondrial superoxi...

Image via Wikipedia

Today I want to talk to you about antioxidants, these little darlings of the immune system have the capacity to keep you younger, healthier and full of energy. Wouldn’t that be great?

Most of us have heard of Vitamins A, C, D and E and we know enough to make sure we get adequate supplies of them from our food. But what about the antioxidants made right in your own body? Did you know that your body creates its own much more important antioxidants? These are the cellular antioxidants such as glutathione (the Master Antioxidant) which is made mainly from amino acids and the enzymatic antioxidants like superoxide dismutase, SOD for short. I can hear you saying thank goodness for that from here 🙂

I mention these two in particular because a great deal of research is now coming out about how many health challenges can be helped by just making sure your body either gets more of or creates more of (the better way) of these two foundation antioxidants.

Let’s take a better look at Glutathion and SOD:

Glutathione has been shown to slow down the aging process (give me a bucketful), detoxify and improve liver function, strengthen the immune system, and reduce the chances of developing cancer (according to the research, I am not making any claims here).

It has also shown to work to help improve mental function, increase energy, improve concentration, promote increased levels of exercise, improves chronic pain disorders, lowers blood pressure, improves heart and lung function, and helps to control the effects of diabetes. How can it do all this?

Glutathione is the pre-dominant antioxidant in your cells, virtually all cells require glutathione for viability and function and as Dr R Keller has said, “…if it detoxifies and benefits every cell in the body there is almost nothing it cannot help with.”

“Glutathione is a substance, the levels of which in our cells are predictive of how long we will live. There are very few other factors which are as predictive of our life expectancy as is our level of cellular glutathione. We literally cannot survive without this antioxidant,” – Earl Mindell, R.Ph., Ph.D.

Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) has recently come into the spotlight for its connection with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). However research on this amazing antioxidant enzyme has been going on for many years and this has proven that SOD protect the body against free radicals by scavenging excess superoxides. Athletes take it to prevent excess free radicals from building up from excessive exercise. It has also proven to help prevent aging, protect mitochondrial function (boost energy), protect from radiation injury, heart disease and cholesterol, protects DNA and cellular health in humans, inhibits inflammatory nerve degeneration, reduces brain swelling after traumatic injuries, lowers inflammation by lowering L10, boosts the immune system (increased T cells and less T cell death), reduced lactic acid after exercise, among a stack of other health boosting effects.

How can you increase your levels of these amazing antioxidants? You need to find supplements that include n-acetyl-cysteine and other glutathione boosting ingredients or eat a lot of broccoli, garlic and asparagus as well as some of the superfruits. SOD food sources include: green barley (organic extract), broccoli, and brussel sprouts. But, if you already have health challenges you’re going to have to eat a LOT of broccoli to get the effect you need to control and perhaps reverse the inflammatory process involved.

live a balanced life…

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September 23, 2008 Posted by | Nutrition, Wellness | , , , , , , , | Leave a comment