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Link Between Cancer and Inflammation Confirmed

It has long been observed that there is a link between inflammation in the body and cancer, many of todays modern diseases are chronically inflammatory. So what can you do?

Reduce the inflammation. Thank you Ms Obvious, but how?

And that my friends is the question. First we need to look at what it is that causes inflammation in the body, without knowing the foundation causes and the ‘cascade’ effect, we cannot hope to know what to do about it. Medical ‘anti-inflammatory’s’ often result in more chronic inflammation behind the scenes, in other words they help on the surface, but the cellular inflammation remains. They are masking the symptoms as many medical treatments are prone to do.

Inflammation is caused in a complex domino effect or cascade effect within the body, first there is the instigator or inflammatory agent; now that could be any number of things in your lifestyle: the food you eat, the air you breathe, lack of sleep, stress… What happens next is that these instigators in a complex set of actions and re-actions, end up causing an ‘acid’ build-up in the cells it is this cellular acid build up that sets of the bodies reaction of pain (your signal that something is wrong) and swelling (your bodies way of protecting the area from more injury). If this condition goes on for too long, the cells in that area or areas begin to change their spots and because they are adapting to their circumstances like all good species who wish to survive. This is when we are in trouble, this is when you body begins to go to war with itself and you end up with autoimmune diseases, cancer and other increasingly common dis-eases.

So if one of the main integers in this domino of events is ‘acid’ build-up, it would seem like a good idea to reduce the acid in your body, a bit like taking one of the domino’s out of the line-up. Alkalising your body is essential in this busy, fast life we live. Eating more fresh vegetables, fruit and using low-acidic forms of protein are a big start. We can also take a wholefood supplement created from foods that lower acid and inflammation in the body. Would you like a list of possible candidates to include in your daily food intake?

Try some of these: (We will be putting up an Acid/Alkaline Food Chart on our website in the next couple of days, I will announce it here when we do)

  • green foods (Green foods are full of chlorophyll and minerals, very alkalising)
  • certain vegetables (in fact most veg are alkaline so eat lots of vegetables)
  • certain fruits (many fruits are either alkaline or metabolise as alkaline producing lemons are one of the main ones, along with acai, goji, blueberries, cranberries etc…) ACAI Blend (19 fruits fruit blend)
  • cottage cheese, riccota cheese, whey protein concentrate, are all sources of low alkaline protiens
  • whole spectrum mineral supplement (minerals are extremely alkalizing and it is the combination of chlorophyll and minerals in green barley that enhances it’s alkalising effect. We use ConcenTrace minerals
Zemanta Pixie

June 9, 2008 Posted by | General | , , , , | 1 Comment

Protect Your Skin – Be Sunwise From the Inside Out

acai berries

We all know about using sunscreen, and hopefully by now we also realise that by using sunscreen every time we are in the sun we are becoming deficient in Vitamin D. Vitamin D is such an important vitamin that we must increase it in our bodies or risk: osteoporosis at any age, immune deficiencies, sensitive skin and acne break outs – the list of problems associated with a lack of vitamin D is long.

So how do we protect ourselves while getting our needed dose of Vitamin D every day? From the inside out, that’s how!

Our skin can be protected via good nutritions and one of the ways we can protect our skin against sun damage is Vitamin D, yes the sun carries with it its’ own protective vitamin. What else can you do?

Here is a list of known nutritional protective foods, these foods and their associated vitamins and minerals are known to be skin protective in many ways and can help with sun damage, sun protection, help to resolve acne, pimples, dermatitis and psoriasis:

  • foods rich in lycopenes (the red in tomatoes) so top up on tomatoes (cooked), carrots, watermelon, pink and red grapefruit, goji berries
  • foods rich in Omega fatty acids like salmon, tuna, mackerel, trout and acai etc…
  • rich leafy greens especially broccoli
  • dark chocolate (not milk chocolate)
  • green tea including Oolong, Jasmine and normal Green Tea
  • berries such as acai berries, goji, and blueberries

So get a daily dose of sun for your skins sake (about 1 hour in early morning or late afternoon) and protect yourself from damage from the inside out with great nutrition.

live a balanced life

May 14, 2008 Posted by | Health, Nutrition, Wellness | , , , , | 1 Comment